Computers & Internet Access

The Lonoke County Libraries (LCL) offer patrons the ability to access the internet via workstations and wireless access (WiFi) for library patrons to use with their own personal notebook, laptops, and other mobile devices which are accessible only during normal library hours, and filtered to comply with Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) regulations. The internet is intended primarily as an information resource but may contain materials that are inappropriate for viewing by children but along with other library materials, restrictions of a child’s access to the internet is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian and the library affirms the right and responsibilities of parents/guardians, NOT library staff, to determine and monitor their children’s use of the computer equipment. |
- Patrons may be able to make prints/copies at the rate of $0.15 per page for black and white and $0.50 per page for color. Double-sided prints/copies are an available option and will be charged as two pages. Patrons may also have their documents scanned to an email address and/or fax at the rate of $1.00 per page.
Patrons will face loss of internet privileges if they violate any of the following policies and the rules may be revised at any time by the vote of the board as needed:
- The public and children’s computers are limited to a maximum of 2 persons per computer at a time and allow for one hour sessions, which can be increased an additional thirty (30) minutes total per day as long as patrons are not waiting to use the computer. Sessions may be extended at the discretion of the library staff.
- - Library staff can help patrons with limited computer, internet, and wireless use, such as signing on, printing, logging in, and providing general information for connecting your device to the WiFi but cannot offer personal instruction on computer use, troubleshoot problems related to your wireless device, nor assist in making changes to your device’s network settings and/or hardware configuration. The library cannot guarantee that your device will work with the library’s wireless access points.
- - Patrons may make credit card purchases on either library workstations or personal wireless devices but the library does not guarantee the safety of these transactions and will not be responsible for any information (i.e. credit card) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to your hardware or software due to electrical surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or hacking.
- As with most public “WiFi”, the library's Wifi is not secure. There can be untrusted parties between you and anybody with whom you communicate with. Any information being transmitted could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user. Informed WiFi users should use caution and consider not to transmit personal information (credit card numbers, passwords, and other sensitive information) while using the WiFi and take appropriate precautions (using up-to-date virus/malware/spyware protection) when using the WiFi, which are entirely at risk of the user. LCL disclaims all liability for loss of confidential information or damages resulting from that loss.
- - Parents/guardians must supervise children under the age of 10 in the children’s area, stay at the computer with their young children (under 5) or those of any age with little computer experience, and are responsible for children’s access and use of the internet on the workstations at all times.
- - Adults may use personal or library laptops in the children’s area while supervising or accompanying a child.
- The library is NOT responsible for the accuracy of information found on the internet and patrons use the internet at their own discretion and are warned that they may find offensive materials.
- Patrons are expected to use the library’s workstations and wireless access in a legal and responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which it is provided, and are warned not to violate copyright or software licenses while on the Internet.
- Patrons may not change, adapt, convert, or otherwise revise any settings or program features on the workstation nor use their own software or download any software from the internet . Such actions will mean permanent restriction of use of the system and will be liable if any damage occurs to any computer or software.
- Patrons are barred from any attempts to violate system security via internet workstations.
- Any type of illegal activities such as betting, pornography, etc. is barred. Such actions will mean permanent restriction of use of the system.
Displaying, sending or receiving materials inappropriate for viewing in a public area is prohibited by Arkansas State Code §5-68-205. Inappropriate material is defined as pictures of text which could reasonably be construed as obscene or pornographic, as defined by Arkansas State Code §5-68-203.
You can access the full policy here.